Feb 2013 Meeting

Our Guest Speaker in February is Pavel Asenov.

Real LIFE 

Pavel was born to a typical middle-class Bulgarian family towards the end of an oppressive communist regime that came into power at the end of WWII. His parents were a strong and happy couple, which stuck together through thick and thin. Perhaps too happy for some. Pavel's aunt became so jealous of this family's success and decided if she wasn't happy then no one else should be.
This led to her many attempts to destroy this happy family with black magic. After feeling the reality of a spiritual darkness that follows and eventually finding who is behind all this, feeling helpless and not able to cope with the discovery, the family of three decide to leave the country and
vow to never return.
This marks the beginning of a great life journey for Pavel in which he experiences salvation and complete transformation from hopelessness, fear and anger to a life filled with the love of Jesus, hope and purpose.
It will be inspiring to hear Pavel testifying of the wonderful love and power of the Lord, as He transformed him and empowered him to serve Him in victory.