Suzanne and her husband had a riding school in South Africa. An accident injured her favourite horse so badly, that the vet couldn't help him but suggested to put him down. In desperation she prayed to Jesus to heal her horse and He healed him instantly. This strengthened her faith very much and later she entered into full time healing and evangelistic ministry.
Later God told her He wanted them to move to Britain and He provided everything necessary for this venture.
Suzanne and her husband now run the Standlake Equestrian Centre in the UK. It is a purpose built riding school with 16 stables, indoor school and outdoor arena with 20 acres of beautiful nature trail rides. There are also regular show jumping competitions and gymkhanas for the different levels and ages.
Suzanne is an international Evangelist who often travels abroad and ministers to thousands of people in many countries, mostly in India. Not long ago in India she had a meeting with 160,000 attending. Many wonderful miracles happened and over the four nights 91,000 came to faith in Jesus Christ. In India, Suzanne supports many Bible Schools and gives bicycles to many village Pastors to enable them to reach more people in other villages around their home. Suzanne has authored many books which have encouraged people around the world to get right with God through Jesus.