Nov 2012 Meeting

Speaker in February is the Rev. Honourable Fred Nile.


It will be inspiring to hear Rev. Nile’s interesting life, how Jesus changed him, worked in him and worked through him.
  • Monday the 20th Feb 2012
    Blacktown RSL, Second Avenue,
  • 6.30pm for dinner and fellowship in the restaurant
    at your own expense.
  • 8.00pm Talk -  Admission free.
  • Booking is essential for catering,
    ring John on (02) 9674 3991
    by Saturday 18 Feb.
Remember, if you are coming, please book and if you book, please come.

Fred was brought up in a non-Christian family, originally from Kings Cross, Sydney. As he grew up he went to an evangelical Church at Revesby so as to meet the pretty girls on the church tennis court, one of whom (Elaine) he married in 1958. Elaine passed away on 17th October 2011.

After hearing the Gospel every Sunday night, at 17 years of age he accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour.

In 1955 when 21 years old he had a strong call from God asking him was he willing to die for Christ? He replied, yes and commenced his Ministry for Jesus. From those who oppose God, over the years came death threats, bomb threats and hundreds chanting "we want Fred dead, we want Fred's head".

As in 1974 Fred realised that atheists and secular humanists were having a big influence on politics, God showed him the need for Christians to be involved in Government. In 1981 he was elected to Parliament and formed a Bible based Christian political party and was leading this party in Parliament ever since. He will tell many interesting details, also talking about God's miracles in Government.