July 2015 Meeting

Our Speakers in July are John Szilard and Lionel Fitness.


 We both had a long and varied Christian life experience  and have given our testimonies in this fellowship some months ago and talked about many wonderful things the Lord has done in our lives. However, we have experienced so many wonderful incidents, that, because of lack of time quite a few had to be left off.
This time we shall focus mostly on hitherto untold events in our lives, including some mistakes we have made and other people have made, which could make one discouraged and should be avoided.
We are going to talk about what we have learned and how, from our experiences and how all the difficulties, adversities we faced from time to time, have encouraged us and strengthened our faith step by step. God even turned round some mistakes to our benefit. In our lives the words of the Bible in Rom. 8:28  have been exactly fulfilled: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.