July 2014 Meeting

Our Guest Speaker in July is David Claydon.


Rev David Claydon
Rev David Claydon
David was an orphan from age 6 months in Palestine. At 5 years of age in hospital he realized that it was Jesus who looked after him, a lost sheep of his. He led people across his path to help him survive. In his adult life family members supported him, but Jesus still looked after him in all sorts of situations as he pioneered Scripture Union in the Pacific Islands. He was and still is, on fire for spreading the Gospel everywhere. For period David was Head of the Church Missionary Society locating missionaries in some 50 countries and working with the local churches.
Now, as he retired, he chairs the Heads of Churches Conference among others he works to help those Muslim background Christians whose life is at risk in their home countries.
David was never alone, because he always lived in fellowship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

I trust that David’s testimony will be interesting and inspiring, with a message of Jesus.
Come and bring wives or partners, relatives, friends, and who don’t know Jesus as Lord, Saviour and Friend, whose future in eternity is a concern for you, those who are sick, those who want a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit and/or who have any difficulty coping with the problems/stresses of life, and listen to my unusual life story and receive a blessing.
            After the talk there will be an offer of confidential counselling/ministering and prayer for any need.

Date and time:21 July. Please note: the time is 6.30 for dinner and fellowship in the restaurant, costing $ 18.90. For first timers it is free. The talk starts at 8.00. Admission there is free.
Venue:                                             RSL, Blacktown
    Second Avenue, Blacktown,
Booking is essential; ring John on 9674 3991 by19th July.
Remember, if you are coming, please book and if you book, please come.
Prayer chain: should you have a need for prayer any other time, ring Tony on 0487 697 969. He will pass your request on to the rest of the Committee and soon all of us will be praying for you.