Date and time: Wednesday 17 March . Please note: we changed the time to 6.45 for 7.00.
Dinner prices: $ 18.00, for seniors and club members only $ 16.00 and for senior club members only $ 15.00.
DO NOT PAY the Buffet Cashier Pay just tell him you are coming to our Dinner. Instead pay Bob M., our Treasurer. .
When paying please show any card which entitles you to receive a discount.
For booking: ring John on (02) 9674-3991 by Monday the 15th March.
While our Meeting serves as Members' encouragement and fellowship, its first and foremost aim is to provide a place to lead people to Jesus, who don't know Him as Lord, Saviour and Friend. The talk is not about doctrine, but about real life experience.
Speaker: Elwyn Grigg
Elwyn's early years were filled with music, sport, theatre and church! A significant moment came with the realisation that God was a personal God and required an individual response from his children. He was born again and at the same time he felt that God wanted him to be a Salvation Army officer.
Following God's leading he has been a Salvation Army officer for thirty years. In this time he has seen God work in many ways in the seven churches he has led with his wife Raewyn. Through these years there has been a personal journey of faith. Elwyn has experienced God's healing in his own life and family.
Elwyn had extensive training in several different colleges and has been a military chaplain, accredited marriage guidance supervisor and a work-cover chaplain. He testifies to the goodness of God.. Life as a Salvation Army officer in front line ministry and having four children is challenging. When God calls you, he equips you!"
It will be inspiring to hear Elwyn's many interesting experiences, the works of Jesus.
Come and bring wives or partners, relatives, friends, and who don't know Jesus as Lord, Saviour and Friend, whose future in eternity is a concern for you, those who are sick and/or who have any difficulty coping with the problems/stresses of life, and listen to this interesting life story and receive a blessing.
After the talk there will be an offer of confidential counseling and prayer for any need..
Remember, if you are coming, please book and if you book, please come.
Prayer chain: should you have a need for prayer any other time, ring normally Gordon on 9832 8843 We will pass your request on to the rest of the Committee and soon all of us will be praying for you.