Our Guest Speakers in October are Anthony and Melanie Howarth.
In August last year Tony gave his testimony, the wonderful ways how Jesus saved him and led him in His service. This year in August he went on a mission trip to Tennant Creek, taking his wife, Melanie and their kids.They were involved in evangelising all the way there and back and had many exciting experiences. The Lord has blessed their work mightily and they found many people really hungry for hearing the truth as Tony and Mel proclaimed the Gospel.
The great result of their evangelistic work was more than 500 conversions. At this meeting they will tell the exciting and inspiring story of their trip.
We are looking forward to hear Anthony's and Melanie's interesting and inspiring report and the message of Jesus they will deliver to us and to receive their ministering.
Come and bring wives or partners, relatives, friends, and who don't know Jesus as Lord, Saviour and Friend, whose future in eternity is a concern for you, those who are sick, those who want a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit and/or who have any difficulty coping with the problems/stresses of life, and listen to this interesting life story and receive a blessing.
After the talk there will be an offer of confidential counselling/ministering and prayer for any need.
Date and time: Monday the 20th October.
Please note: the time is 6.30pm for dinner and fellowship in the restaurant costing $ 19.90.
The talk starts at 8.00pm. Admission is free.
Venue: RSL, Blacktown, Second Avenue, Blacktown,
Booking is essential, ring John on (02) 9674 3991 by Saturday the 18th October.
Remember, if you are coming, please book and if you book, please come.
Prayer chain: should you have a need for prayer any other time, ring John on 02 9674 3991. We will pass your request on to the rest of the Committee and soon all of us will be praying for you.
Your Brother in Christ,